WifiDog 认证原理和流程

General Flow Description:
①The client does his initial request, as if he was already connected, (e.g.: http://www.6hl.cn)
客户端发出初始化请求,比如访问 www.6hl.cn 这个站点
②The Gateway's firewall rules mangle the request to redirect it to a local port on the Gateway. When that's the done, the Gateway provides an HTTP Redirect reply that contains the Gateway ID, Gateway FQDN and other informations
③The Client does his request to the Auth Server as specified by the Gateway, see Login Protocol
gw_id=[GatewayID, default: "default"]
gw_address=[GatewayAddress, internal IP of router]
gw_port=[GatewayPort, port that wifidog Gateway is listening on]
url=[user requested url]

④The Gateway replies with a (potentially custom) splash (login) page
⑤The Client provides his identification informations (username and password)
⑥Upon succesful authentication, the client gets an HTTP Redirect to the Gateway's own web server with his authentication proof (a one-time token), http://GatewayIP:GatewayPort/wifidog/auth?token=[auth token]
成功认证的话,客户端将会被重定向到网关的自己的web页面上,并且带有一个 认证凭据(一个一次性的token),内容比如
http://GatewayIP:GatewayPort/wifidog/auth?token=[auth token]
⑦The Client then connects to the Gateway and thus gives it his token
⑧The Gateway requests validation of the token from the Auth Server, see Client Protocol【见登录心跳】
⑨The Auth Server confirms the token
①①The Gateway then sends a redirect to the Client to obtain the Success Page from the Auth Server, redirects to http://auth_server/portal/
网关发送重定向给客户端,以从认证服务器上获取 成功提示页面,重定向到 http://auth_server/portal/ 这个位置
①②The Auth Server notifies the Client that his request was successful

本文章由 http://www.wifidog.pro/2015/02/11/wifidog%E5%8E%9F%E7%90%86%E5%8F%8A%E6%B5%81%E7%A8%8B.html 整理编辑,转载请注明出处

标签: wifidog认证 wifidog安装 wifidog原理 wifidog分析 wifidog配置 wifidog流程 wifidog服务器 wifidog-ddwrt wifidog openwrt