install AuthPuppy On OpenWRT with Lighttpd

  1. Install OpenWRT on an X86 platform.
    Following the instructions here (, which could install a clean installtion of OpenWRT on an x86 platform with version 14.03.

  2. Setup LAMP
    It has been a while that the default sources on OpenWRT is wrong, that the offical sources has re-archit the directories. Here are some instructions.

2.1 Base part

package list: libexpat libgd libjpeg libncurses libncursesw libopenssl libpcre libpng libpthread libreadline librt iptables-mod-extra iptables-mod-nat-extra

Note after install libpcre, system may not find the proper, just make a soft link from in /usr/lib will make it work.

2.2 Lighttpd


package list: lighttpd lighttpd-mod-access lighttpd-mod-alias lighttpd-mod-cgi lighttpd-mod-fastcgi lighttpd-mod-rewrite

2.3 MySQL


package list: mysql-server libmysqlclient

2.4 PHP


package list: php5 php5-cgi php5-fastcgi php5-mod-apc php5-mod-gd php5-mod-mysql php5-mod-pdo php5-mod-pdo-mysql php5-mod-xml

  1. Setup PHP
    Modify /etc/php.ini. First make the doc_root empty, and then modify the max-memory size from 8MB to a much larger one.

  2. Setup Lighttpd
    4.1 Enable some plugins in Lighttpd following this page (
    4.2 Enbale mod_rewrite which is used in AuthPuppy
    4.3 !IMPORTANT Migrate the rewrite rules in AuthPuppy’s .htaccess to url.rewrite part, like below:

    url.rewrite-once = (".php$" => "$0", ".html$" => "$0", "^$" => "index.html", "^([^.]+)($|\?.*$)" => "index.php/$1$2")

  3. Now you can install authpuppy and wifidog as usual.

It is much easier to record than try to make it.

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