WifiDog 配置参数视频详解

GatewayID default 

GatewayInterface br0
GatewayPort 2060

HtmlMessageFile /opt/wifidog/etc/wifidog.html

AuthServer {
    Hostname                 www.wifidog.pro (Mandatory; Default: NONE) 
    SSLAvailable             no (Optional; Default: no; Possible values: yes, no)
    SSLPort                  443 (Optional; Default: 443)
    HTTPPort                 80 (Optional; Default: 80)
    Path                     /example/ (Optional; Default: /wifidog/ Note:  The path must be both prefixed and suffixed by /.  Use a single / for server root.)
    LoginScriptPathFragment  (Optional; Default: login/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to for login.)
    PortalScriptPathFragment (Optional; Default: portal/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to after a successfull login.)
    MsgScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: gw_message.php? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)
    PingScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: ping/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)
    AuthScriptPathFragment    (Optional; Default: auth/? Note:  This is the script the user will be sent to upon error to read a readable message.)

AuthServer {
    Hostname auth.wifidog.pro
    SSLAvailable yes
    Path /

AuthServer {
    Hostname auth2.wifidog.pro
    SSLAvailable yes
    Path /

Daemon 1 

HTTPDMaxConn 10 

CheckInterval 60

ClientTimeout 5

TrustedMACList 00:00:DE:AD:BE:AF,00:00:C0:1D:F0:0D

FirewallRuleSet global {

    FirewallRule block to
    FirewallRule block to
    FirewallRule allow udp to
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 80 to


FirewallRuleSet validating-users {
    FirewallRule allow to

FirewallRuleSet known-users {
    FirewallRule allow to

FirewallRuleSet unknown-users {
    FirewallRule allow udp port 53
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 53
    FirewallRule allow udp port 67
    FirewallRule allow tcp port 67

FirewallRuleSet locked-users {
    FirewallRule block to


标签: wifidog认证, wifidog流程, wifidog配置, dd wrt wifidog教程, dd wrt wifidog配置